Yes, you read that right.
Here is the article, which will make the fine gentlemen at the American Mustache Institute rather upset:
Moral of the story: clean shave=wins?
It can't be.
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Thank you for alerting us to this ignorant piece of fiction. We have commented to this degree:
"We generally like to advise those who are ignorant to the Mustached American lifestyle -- and no, a goatee does not count -- that they confer with the American Mustache Institute (www.AmericanMustacheInstitute) on matters such as these.
"And clearly, in baseball circles labia sebuculas (Latin for "lip sweaters) have been proven to enhance hitting, power, intellect, and of course, good looks.
"And just remember what it says in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and that is, 'each time a mustache is shaved, an angel in heaven dies and falls to earth.'
Carry on."
Dr. Abraham Jonas Froman, CEO
Well said, sir. Glad to see the AMI is responding to this atrocity.
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